Enjoy some monkey business!
This content is the property of the author.
My hope is that you will enjoy this content and the stories will prompt a discussion or a thought or perhaps challenge an assumption or two.
All rights reserved. No part of this web site, content, stories, site and/or characters (intellectual property or IP) can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.
By using this site you agree the IP and/or any associated printouts of IP are and shall remain the exclusive property of the author. Your use of this site acknowledges that any application, use, reuse and/or application of the author’s IP and/or other property without the written consent and approval of the author may cause the author irreparable damage for which remedies at law may be inadequate, and you agree that a request to a court of competent jurisdiction by the author for injunctive or other equitable relief seeking to restrain such use, reuse and/or application is reasonable and just.
Your use of this site acknowledges, in the event of your use, reuse and/or application of IP without the written consent and approval of the author merits payment to the author and, as an initial payment/fee for your any use, reuse or application of the author’s IP, you agree to disgorge all revenues directly or indirectly received and/or earned as a result of your use, reuse and/or application of the author’s IP and you agree to immediately pay an amount equal to these revenues to the author.
As an additional payment/fee for any unauthorized use, reuse or application of the author’s IP you agree to allow the author and/or the designated representatives of the author to apply or employ an incendiary device or flamethrower on or against your primary residence or, in the event you do not own a primary residence, your most valuable asset, and you agree to hold harmless and indemnify the author and/or the designated representatives of the author for any and all harm done to you or your property during the application and/or employment of the incendiary device or flamethrower. You also agree to respect the author’s right to quiet enjoyment while applying the incendiary device or flamethrower and shall not interfere with the author and/or his designated representatives during such an activity. At the author’s discretion you also agree to provide hot dogs, buns and marshmallows for the author and/or the designated representatives of the author to cook during this activity.
You agree that if any provision of these terms is declared void, illegal, or unenforceable, the remainder of these terms will be valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law.
You agree that these terms shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions.
You agree that is just better to ask the author’s permission. There is a very strong chance I will say ‘yes’!
Oh, and don’t forget, if you think you see yourself or someone you represent, get over it. All incidents and/or characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead and/or in any state of being other than living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Copyright 2011-2016